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 HCG as weight Loss

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a naturally occurring glycoprotein hormone in women. HCG maintains pregnancy and provides nutrients to the fetus by releasing the mother's stored fat. HCG is a weight reduction program. It releases fat stores of about 2000 calories per day into your bloodstream allowing for you to stay on a very low calorie diet without experiencing hunger, fatigue or weakness and lose weight. It reshapes the body contour especially the abdomen, buttocks and hips. It does not break-down muscle so there is virtually little to no sagging skin except in cases of morbid obesity.

Our diet protocol utilizes Dr. Simeon's protocol for weight loss which has gained popularity through Kevin Trudeau's book "The Weight Loss Cure". The diet is very healthy with low fat and low sugar content and a controlled glycemic index.

Our staff will provide education and support to help you attain your weight loss goals. You will receive HCG from an American Pharmaceutical company and be guaranteed that you are getting the correct potency dosages and supplies legally.

HCG Diet Includes:

  • You will eat real food, 
  • NO liquid diets, 
  • no exercise required
  • NO hunger or weakness
  • physician consultation 
  • You will receive diet instructions and program counseling
  • 30-day supply of liquid drops
  • Handbook with complete diet instructions
  • Access to Dr. Laney &  HCG nurse counselors

Other benefits of the HCG Program include:

  • Redistribution of Normal Body Fat 
  • Lower Cholesterol 
  • Resetting the Hypothalamus for Improvement of Skin Texture and Tone
  • Long-Term Weight Management Improved Sleep
  • Lower Blood Pressure Improved Mood
  • Stabilized Blood Sugar Improvement of Arthritis and Psoriasis

There are no weightloss programs with guarantees.Obesity is a serious problem and everyone should expect reasonable results. It is important to understand that we are here to work with your primary care or family physician. We will manage your weightloss. Your physician will need to manage any pre-existing or identified medical conditions you have. We are not diagnosing or treating medical conditions only managing your weightloss program with HCG. This is why we require detailed blood work and testing and a complete medical history and exams prior to using HCG as a weightloss product. Data is provided by past HCG patients and your success story will be dependent upon your compliance and medical conditions.

Lee Laney M.D 

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 BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is used to estimate a healthy body weight based on a person's height. Because is easy to calculate, BMI is the most widely used diagnostic tool to identify weight problems within a population and is often used to identify if people are underweight, overweight, or considered obese. However, it is not the most accurate because two people can have the same BMI but different levels of body fat due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. An elite athlete may have an identical BMI to a sedentary individual of the same height and weight, but the elite athlete will be considered "healthier" since his body fat percentage is lower. A high percentage of body fat is unhealthy because it increases susceptibility to heart disease, Type II diabetes, cancers, and other various medical problems.